I Am Two

/ #blogging  /2 min read

I have just realised that my blog is 2 years old and like a very errant parent, I forgot the anniversary. Doh! The first post is dated 3rd Nov 2005 and is here.

I remember, now that I have glanced at that post, the blog started as a way to keep a daily journal of my thoughts and research for my studies.

What’s happened since then ?

Well, I have posted a total of 93 posts in 25 categories over the period. In the last year, I have had 1,817 visitors come to my blog and read my words.

Now in the world of blogging that may not be a lot, but to me, this is a big deal. You see frustrated writers have a hard time letting other people see their work, let alone have them read it, so thanks to all of you who have taken time out to read and comment on the ramblings here. What next ? Like any two-year-old I am going to throw a big tantrum.

Currently, I am stewing over a post that is entitled “You’re not the boss of me”. It may turn out to be a rant, it may end up being funny I don’t know yet.

In it, I aim to look hard and long at whether it is possible for someone with such a lousy work ethic, i.e. someone who hates

  • getting up
  • getting dressed
  • the commute
  • lunchtime
  • home time
  • the commute
  • their colleagues
  • their boss

Can really make a break for it and bolt for the freedom of freelancing. I am hoping that you don’t believe that list applies to me by the way.

If you read this blog often or have taken note of the title, you’ll know that this post may or may not appear, after all, I am a Long time procrastinator, the ideas are there, but the implementation lacks an absolute commitment.

Ta Ta For Now